Four Lessons from the Satellite Show

Satellite Show

Specialty Silicone Products recently attended the Satellite Show, the leading event for the satellite communications (SATCOM) industry. Dominic Testo, Business Development Manager, and Taylor Smith, Research Development Technician, gained four key insights that can benefit your business.

  • The growing ground station market needs EMI gaskets, especially for waveguides.
  • The SATCOM industry wants to see ASTM E595 test data for EMI silicones.
  • Low-outgassing, non-conductive elastomers for low temperatures are hot.
  • Flight heritage matters because new product approvals are challenging.

Keep reading to learn more, and contact SSP if you’re ready discuss your satellite application.    

The Growing Ground Station Market Needs EMI Gaskets

Today, there are nearly 9,500 satellites in orbit. That’s more than ever before, and a recent report predicts the launch of 20,000 new satellites by 2030. Those numbers are impressive, but there’s also a major opportunity in ground stations.

Between 2023 and 2028, the market for these terrestrial radio stations is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.4%. These new ground stations will need EMI/RFI waveguide gaskets, as well as connectors and O-rings that provide EMI/RFI shielding.

The SATCOM Industry Wants ASTM E595 Test Data for EMI Silicones

Many of the companies that SSP met with were impressed with the amount of data that we provide about our EMI/RFI shielding silicones. These companies also told us that most material manufacturers don’t have ASTM E595 test data for their elastomers.

SSP shares technical data right on our website, both for the low outgassing silicones we make and for the conductive pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) we can apply. For example, SSP50240-V0 is a 40-durometer EMI silicone that passes ASTM E595 testing both with and without a PSA.  

Low-Outgassing, Non-Conductive Elastomers for Low Temperatures are Hot

The SATCOM industry also needs non-conductive elastomers with low outgassing – and for low-temperature environments. That’s why visitors to our booth liked SSP2575, a 65-durometer silicone that passes ASTM E595 outgas testing and remains flexible at temperatures down to -116°C.

SSP can supply this non-conductive elastomer as a ready-to-mold compound, compression molded sheet stock, or as custom molded parts. This low-outgassing silicone is black in color but can be pigmented to meet customer-specific requirements.  

Flight Heritage Matters Because New Product Approvals are Challenging

Finally, the satellite industry wants products with flight heritage, a record of proven performance in actual space missions. That’s because it’s difficult to get new products approved so that they can be designed into spaceflight applications.

At the Satellite Show, visitors to our booth were especially interested in these SSP products that are currently in space or have been approved for use. 

  • SSP2575 non-conductive silicone
  • SSP502-55LT conductive silicone with nickel-graphite
  • SSP502-40-V0 conductive silicone with nickel-graphite and UL 94V0 flammability
  • SSP550-45 conductive fluorosilicone with silver-aluminum

If you’re ready to learn more, ask SSP for satellite silicones.

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