
Nickel-Graphite Silicone for EMI Shielding Gaskets

SSP502-65 is a 65-durometer silicone that’s filled with nickel-coated graphite particles. This silicone elastomer is very electrically conductive and combines reliable environmental sealing with superior shielding against electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI). A third-party shielding report is available for this EMI RFI silicone.

EMI RFI Silicone with Silver-Like Conductivity

SSP502-65 supports thinner, smaller, and lighter-weight designs. This EMI RFI elastomer also offers performance levels that are comparable to shielding silicones with silver-coated particles. SSP502-65 is cost-effective and, unlike silver-filled silicones, isn’t subject to fluctuating silver prices. Applications include EMI gaskets.

EMI Gasket Fabrication

SSP502-65 is supplied as fully-cured, conductive sheet stock or continuous rolls (SSP502-65-CR). EMI gasket fabrication methods include die cutting.     

Comparing EMI Gasket Materials

SSP502-65 shielding silicones are comparable to the following Parker Chomerics elastomers for EMI shielding gaskets: S6305, 6330, 6370, 6371, 6372, and 6308. 

SSP502-65 is also an offset to these discontinued Gore materials: GORE GS2100, GS5200, and GS8000. Applications include EMI gaskets for military and defense, aerospace, spaceflight, telecommunications, wireless infrastructure, automotive, mobile phones, GPS, portable computers, and handheld field testing equipment.

SSP’s EMI RFI silicones also have low minimum order quantities (MOQs) and short lead times.  SSP sends certificates of analysis (COAs) that prove the quality of its materials and can also provide certificates of conformance (COC).  

CHO-SEAL 6305 Offset

SSP502-65 can be used instead of CHO-SEAL 6305. CHO-SEAL®  is a registered trademark of Parker Chomerics. SSP also makes other CHOSEAL offsets.

Learn More about SSP502-65

Download the Data Sheet for complete SSP502-65 product specifications. There’s also a Safety Data Sheet (SDS), Salt Spray Test data, and a third-party Shielding Report.